I knew I was forgetting something, but I can't remember what. Why do I feel like it was something important?
<MC> Hands Poses2
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Crazy In Love
*GF* Lovie Flats -all 12-
/ HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
/ EYES / lel EvoX 3.0 w/ AG. Lucent Applier - Azure / Green
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
:ANDORE: - :Mesh Ears: - Royal Heart
KUNI - Sol
[ rD ] Marguerite Choker Harness MT Lara
Dead Dollz Amor Dress - Sky
.:: SO ::. Skin Carolina Tone A11 (Found at The Liason Collaborative)
Poema - Dreamy Lipstick (Found at The Liaison Collaborative)
Izzie's Body Moles V2 (Found at The Liaison Collaborative)