Sometimes the queen has to use dirty tactics to overtake the king.
.:F L O Y D:. Backdrop
.:Short Leash:. Lilith's Elixirs - Boys' Tears //
Taboo - Beautiful Dreamer
Pecheresse. - Stay Wild Healed, Steffy Face (TLC)
Shiny Stuffs - Glitter Doll #21 (TLC)
Mignonne - Angie in November
Edie's - Sweeten Lip Balm (TLC)
Rokins -Issa Bodysuit
/ HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON
[BODY] Legacy
[BREATHE] -Tamoko Boots-Legacy-
[^.^Ayashi^.^] Haru hair-
[ rD ] Audubon Necklace (TLC)