Watching the world burn, not being sorry while sipping my glass of wine and having a fine time. I see and feel and breathe the passion and pleasure of the fire that is burning and waiting to consume all within its path. And yet I want nothing more than to keep watching the flames as it rises higher. See the velvety red and orange reach for the sky until there are nothing and no one that can deny what goes on around them since no other warning seems to fall upon their ears. As always special thanks to those that inspire me as well as the amazing sponsors that let me try my hand.

Talisy Minor
Stockholm&Lima:Little Kitten Collar (Silver) ^^Swallow^^ Princess Ears Left CATWA HEAD Catya v4.5 -Belleza- Freya V 5.2 BENTO {ViSion} - Kristine Necklace - Freya {ViSion} - Kristine Dress //V1 - Freya DOUX - Paula Hairstyle [M] REIGN.- PEEP TOE LACE UPS (BELLEZA-High) Minimal - AfterGlow Foxcity - No Sorry [DP] - DCP0004 - Wine & You
Belishara Delvalle *CK* We cant stop dress MAITREYA {Limerence} Sheri hair-Boobs Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1 Tattoo Layer Mangula Violet Heels [Lara] LOGO Mae v1.0 Teeth ^^Swallow^^ Kawaii Ears Left *AvaWay* NAUGHTY KITTEN Bracelets & Rings Maitreya *AvaWay*SKY Necklaces Set Maitreya