I was wondering if the three second rule of if something hit's the ground it's still good if picked back up. Does that also apply to hair? Muh cakeeeeeeeeee! <3 to Piccolo for letting me show some of their cuteness.
SHRIKE - Ohhh sh... - Pose set 1
Landscaping by Felix - Winter Nature Wonderland
[ rD ] Bernadette Necklace (The Liaision Collaborative)
- sixx - Jamie Set - (TLC)
LIVIA::Willow Bento Rings (TLC)
+ Kitsune Tails + {egosumaii}
DOUX - Olivia Hairstyle
/ HEAD / lel EvoX LILLY
+ Kitsune Ears (bento) + {egosumaii]
[BODY] Legacy
LIVIA::MixItPro Nails [COFFIN] Legacy w/ Galactic Applier
Blueberry - Pia - Fishnet
[PPD] Star Girl Ice Skates
piccolo.// bluebunny cake chocolate
kotte - cosmos choker
[P+ ink] - Candy Land Lipstick Collection
Hexed - Red Lotus (TLC)
Hexed - Imeria Tattoo - Mid (TLC)