Everyone has two sides to them. A good and bad side that shows their head from time to time. Some say stories are his side versus her side. Few forgetting the third side which is a combination of both which often is so much closer than the truth since both sides see things only from their prospectives. Lately this holds true for me, all I see is two women, one so much more playful and outgoing that others want around. Another that is gentle and wanting nothing more then to be held. A combination of good girl and bad girl.
[west end] Bento Poses - Double-Take #1 & #2 {VIP Gift}
Synnergy// Twilight Backdrop
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1 Tattoo Layer
LAQ Bento - Leia 3.07
[ bubble ] Duo Color Heart Choker
[Gos] So Chic Stilettos - Black & White
pr!tty - Marianna & Kiki
SIIX// Safari Hairbase
Izzie's - Under Eye Lashes Concealer 04, BakesonMesh Layers Eyeliner - Genus 06
LiLo's Fit - Shape Genus Baby Face *Melissa*
.::WoW Skins::. Jada Catwa Honey