Today's a day for a change of pace, Normally I stick to the light-hearted perhaps even flirtingly playful. Whereas yes this is very much a flirtingly playful thing it's taken a step off the beaten path and a bit of darkness has fallen. Inspired loosely... very loosely off one of my favorite anime movies that in my opinion is grossly overlooked. -Vampire HunterD - Bloodlust- Mind you, the first one was the first anime I ever watched and it got me hooked. Still, for all Carmilla's darkness, she had a great story to her, she was more twisted then dreadlocks. She definitely deserved everything that was coming to her. And yet she had a Definite flare for how she did the things she chose ultimately to do for her nefarious greedy goals.
Years ago when Second Life didn't exist, I roleplayed on a program called TalkCity and then MysticIRC. I helped run a guild/group/clan whatever pets your fancy and this couple would come in and always do exceedingly dark RP to where I sometimes was either a) turned on or b) sort of having bad dreams considering I was pregnant at the time. Funny enough so was she. After watching VHD-Bloodlust, I decided I had the balls to roleplay a character just like Carmilla. I went into such graphic detail the other woman came back 3 days later and told me that -I- the sweet one in the group gave -HER- nightmares and made her toss her cookies. Score one Tali! But let's get onto why you're here and whip out Carmilla's Deception.
Carmilla's Boudoir - aka Talisy and her Scene set up
Worn by Tali:
LAQ - Leia
Maitreya - Lara
Stealthic - Fatal
Erratic - Ciri Stockings (lace)
Moon Elixir x Muse - Divine Temptation (currently at Uber)
RealEvil - Josephine Shoes
Stockholm&Lima - Little Kitten Collar
Izzie's Face & Blood - wounds & Bloody Lip applier
Scene Set-Up:
DP Poses - Stretched
[MF] - Bunch of Magic Candles & Long Draped Red Silk
DRD - Bloodcroft Castle & Crypt Candles, Chaise in Violet (Gacha)
Inner Demons - Bleeding Heart Candle
WCM - Cluster of Candles
[Torn] - Blood Spatter
[NC] Wraith Protector - Dagger (This item is part of an outfit)
Varonis - Sombre Skybox