Sometimes there are just no words that can accurately describe the blossom on the wind. The way the petals caress the breeze anymore then how you can properly describe a friendship that spans years, good and bad. Sometimes it's just so easy, other days it's hard enough you wonder if you'll fall apart. But in the end, all I know is in my heart you'll always go. No matter where the road and paths separate then merge once more. We'll both find one another at yet another door. Silly, serious, or passionate when it comes to work, play, or frustrations. The flame never dies in my eyes. Pretty blossom, blow, and fly. Caress the sky as I watch and hold my heart.
Worn by Tali <3
LAQ - Leia Head & Skin Stealthic - Penance SIIX - Safari Hairbase Evani - Sisile Earthstones Split Heart - True, Callista Sandals AVI-Glam - Enchanted 3 Michan - bibi lashes Maitreya - Lara Izzie's - Genus eyeliner 06, Lipstick Rose, Under Eye Lashes Concealer 03 (bom) Stockholm&Lima: Little Kitten Collar YUMMY - Curated Butterfly Ear
[West|End] Bento Poses - BF4E
Muh friend made a getaway. Damn flowers won't stay still when it's a windy day. Anyone got some sugar for me to bribe her with?